
Office Construction
& Relocation Projects

Leave Your Relocation & Office Construction Projects to Us

Understanding how all the pieces of the project fit together is important to any project.

Moves are difficult. Having all parts of a move under a single project with a move manager is key to successful project completion.

We are experienced in project management, and we adhere to all PMI methodologies. We are certified with PMP certifications and have many years of experience in different types of projects.


Office Construction
& Relocation Projects

Leave Your Relocation & Office Construction Projects to Us

Understanding how all the pieces of the project fit together is important to any project.

Moves are difficult. Having all parts of a move under a single project with a move manager is key to successful project completion.

We are experienced in project management, and we adhere to all PMI methodologies. We are certified with PMP certifications and have many years of experience in different types of projects.


Our team can assess your current office environment and data center to create a plan for relocation. We can help you close out your old location while we help you set up your new location.


Detailed Reporting

Our teams are very well trained in creating reports for all types of projects. This includes presentations, move management meetings, project team meetings, and working with project teams as required.


Budget Tracking

On any project, tracking the budget is key. Costs need to be monitored and contained. Our teams will create budgets, work with your finance teams to track expenses, and help process invoices.


Data Center Relocation

Our team has the ability to port map existing data centers, coordinate the move, and wire equipment at the new location.


Building out a new office or data center always comes with challenges. That is where our team can take the responsibility of making sure things get done correctly. We can effectively manage the coordination with the general contractor for your new location.


Facilities Coordination

We have experience as facility managers. We understand what it takes to close out an existing location. We can also help set up facility requirements at the new location.


Facilities Relocation

We understand move management and what it takes to get an office packed up and moved. This includes offices, warehouses, labs, and other areas that need special attention.


Vendor Management

We are experienced in helping to set up new vendor agreements, and creating reports for comparisons. We understand invoicing and will check for project accuracy to adhere to budgets.